911 Comedy

911 Comedy


June 30 | 7PM

The Integral Space, Lower Parel, Mumbai


911 Comedy


June 30 | 7PM

The Integral Space, Lower Parel, Mumbai


About the Event

911 comedy is a show where 9 comedians get 11 minutes each, They have been doing comedy for a while and are already sort of famous. Come be part of their growth to success. Best way to spend your evening!

Host Neil Balthazar
Abbas Momin
Ashish Dash
Aditya Singh
Manmohan Sharma
Shaurya Tyagi
Mayur Kamble
Vineet Srinivasan
Guru Narayan

Artists Info
Neil Balthazar
Neil Balthazar is an upcoming standup comedian

Abbas Momin
Abbas Momin is a freelance humor writer, which means he has no self respect and lives below the poverty line. He tried his hand at becoming a doctor (which is often believed to be the reason behind the dwindling fortunes of the medical fraternity) but was left with a lot of depression and low self-esteem, which made him realize he's perfect to be a comedian.

Ashish Dash
Amongst the few things we know about Ashish Dash is the fact that he is from the great state of Odisha and that he is fond of monkeys. Sometimes, Facebook profiles can be more revealing than Police records but in the case of Mr. Dash, all we could find out was that he has been caught smiling on camera only once and even that may have been under influence. On stage, Dash's act is more confession than comedy and can be memorably disturbing. Which is why he is not popular at house parties. But he has won Chalta Hai Comedy Open Mic on more than one occasion and we hope to learn more before the authorities do.

He may remind you of a crocodile lurking in the swamp. Known as the Indian Dexter Morgan, his dark comedy will make you laugh out of fear. A very jolly fellow, Ashish plans to make friends in the future.

Aditya Singh
Aditya Singh is an upcoming standup comedian

Manmohan Sharma
Manmohan Sharma is an upcoming standup comedian

Shaurya Tyagi
Shaurya Tyagi is a stage actor and a freelance writer. Like the majority of the unambitious Indian population he too has an MBA degree, which may not promise him a job but would definitely get him a good marriage proposal.

Mayur Kamble
Mayur Kamble is an upcoming standup comedian

Vineet Srinivasan
Vineet Srinivasan is an upcoming standup comedian

Guru Narayan
Guru Narayan is an upcoming standup comedian


Terms & Conditions

911 Comedy


June 30 | 7PM

The Integral Space, Lower Parel, Mumbai



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