Abstract Expressionism - An Action Painting Workshop
May 21 | 4PM
Summer House Cafe, Mumbai, Mumbai
Abstract Expressionism - An Action Painting Workshop
May 21 | 4PM
Summer House Cafe, Mumbai, Mumbai
About the Event
Lights, Paints, Action!
Too much brush painting can give you a (brush)stroke. Experience unique creativity by breaking away from convention and painting instead with your hands, palette knives, and your bodies: creating a work of art free of structure and form.
Action painting lets you riot with colours! Join in the fun by breaking away from inhibitions, swaying to the music, adding layer after layer of rich color, creating texture and true masterpieces! This motion picture event teaches you to create art with 50 shades of confidence, spontaneity, and self-expression.
Come dressed in clothes you normally reserve for Holi or paintball and remember that Daag achche hain!
Don't worry about carrying the right palettes and brushes because we make your job easel by providing you with all the material needed.
Competent painters, amateur artists, doodlers, and stick figure enthusiasts are all equally welcome. No experience or expertise in drawing and painting is needed. Whether your art is shady or sketchy or Louvre worthy, you stilll get to carry it home and proudly show it off!
Summer House Cafe, Mumbai
Railway Colony, Lower Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400013
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Abstract Expressionism - An Action Painting Workshop
May 21 | 4PM
Summer House Cafe, Mumbai, Mumbai