यह तो घर है प्रेम का : An evening with Shabnam Virmani
20 January l 8 PM
Gujarat University Amphitheatre, Ahmedabad
यह तो घर है प्रेम का : An evening with Shabnam Virmani
20 January l 8 PM
Gujarat University Amphitheatre, Ahmedabad
About the Event
The poetry of the Bhaktas, the Sufis and Bauls harnesses the power of surrender and resistance at the same time, speaking of love and interrogation in the same breath. How does this tradition investigate the notions of gender and identity? An evening of poetry, songs and conversations with Shabnam
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Gujarat University Amphitheatre
University Area, Ahmedabad, 380009
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यह तो घर है प्रेम का : An evening with Shabnam Virmani
20 January l 8 PM
Gujarat University Amphitheatre, Ahmedabad