Delhi vs Pune

Delhi vs Pune


January 26 | 8PM

Redbrick Office, The Pavillion, Pune


Delhi vs Pune


January 26 | 8PM

Redbrick Office, The Pavillion, Pune


About the Event

When you finally get an off from work, to celebrate the occasion of getting your fundamental rights and freedom from British on paper, but it happens to be a Dry day. You then wonder, if there is any point going to your favourite bar. You don't want to accept that the food doesn't taste the same when you are sober, and it was just french fries that you usually had. You then come across this event description, which offers a hilarious face off in stand-up comedy. One guy coming all the way from Gurgaon, suffering from Jatt-lag thanks to his flight delays, and the homegrown lad, ready to own the stage in his hometown Pune. You want to find out how this ends, and it only ends one way. You having a good time laughing, because jokes is the second best way to forget about reality.


Terms & Conditions

Delhi vs Pune


January 26 | 8PM

Redbrick Office, The Pavillion, Pune



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