Digital SLR (DSLR) Photography | Start a Photography Business at Home
June 27 | 6PM - July 1 | 4PM
Digital SLR (DSLR) Photography | Start a Photography Business at Home
June 27 | 6PM - July 1 | 4PM
About the Event
About this Course
A picture is worth a thousand words.
How often have we all heard that old adage? Cliché as it might be, it’s spot on.
Ninety-nine times out of 100, photos can create a sense of story or emotion more clearly and quickly. That’s why we‘re so drawn to stories that include photography—the images powerfully confirm and expand upon what we discover in the text.
What you’ll learn?
- Fundamentals of Photography
- Understanding the Camera & its working
- Camera formats, Types of Censors
- Lenses, It’s functions & types
- Understanding the aperture, shutter, ISO, light, and composition & many more…
What you’ll require?
- A DSLR camera Or a Mobile phone
- A laptop or Desktop computer, if Possible
- A notebook and a pen
What benefit you’ll get?
- How to bring together the elements of manual mode to create an evocative image: shutter speed, aperture, and image composition.
- How to choose the right gear, and develop an efficient workflow.
- How to recognize and take advantage of beautiful natural light.
- Become familiar with professional photography
By the end of this course, learn to capture images that tell a story, powerfully and captivating the audience from the expert - Krishna Patil, himself!
REGISTER TODAY and click the best of your moments like a pro!
Terms & Conditions
Digital SLR (DSLR) Photography | Start a Photography Business at Home
June 27 | 6PM - July 1 | 4PM