Eat & Live Healthy with Meghna's Food Magic

Eat & Live Healthy with Meghna's Food Magic


June 28 | 4:30PM IST

Watch on Zoom


Eat & Live Healthy with Meghna's Food Magic


June 28 | 4:30PM IST

Watch on Zoom


About the Event

Meghna is a banker turned baker, TEDx speaker, Food Blogger and an internet sensation; who after leaving her 14 years of banking career and glamorous corporate life; embraced motherhood.  Little she knew that she will undergo massive weight issues and would have to fight her way out through the post-pregnancy depression. She not only managed to reduce her weight by 30 kg but also started her online cookery show ‘Meghna’s Food Magic’.  Someone who had lived on tiffin service for over a decade, and hated going into kitchen; went for culinary education and developed interest in baking and healthy cooking. Within 5 years as a social media influencer, a known food blogger, and a motivational speaker; Meghna’s Food Magic has 2.5 Million viewers across social handles.


This is the 1st episode of our “Healthy Cooking & Lifestyle with Meghna’s Food Magic” series that we will be doing on Paytm Insider, where she will be sharing her journey of weight loss, fighting acute depression and beating all odds & absolutely no interest in cooking to go on to becoming “Food Instagrammer of Year” - has made women’s equality her life’s mission through food.


 Apart from her story, Meghna will be talking about -

  1. Why fancy diets & attractive year-long gym deals; don’t work for a sustained weight loss strategy.
  2. Give glimpse to her life’s journey. The changing social fabric
  3. How little effort can change the fried dish into a healthy one. For this you can cook with Meghna as well.

Ingredients needed:

4 par-boiled potatoes,

finely chopped chillies, garlic, green onion whites, coriander leaves,

corn flour, salt, chili flakes, bread crumbs, few drops of oil.

Vessels: Appam Pan and basic kitchen utensils


What do you gain out of this first session-?

  1. Tips on weight management through lifestyle changes
  2. How to fight depressing times through mental conditioning
  3. Learn the tips and tricks of making popular dish with healthy twist

Terms & Conditions

Eat & Live Healthy with Meghna's Food Magic


June 28 | 4:30PM IST

Watch on Zoom



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