Explore the World of Fermentation
October 24 | 4PM
Explore the World of Fermentation
October 24 | 4PM
About the Event
Looking to develop an exciting hobby? Fermentation is the answer!
The workshop Explore the World of Fermentation will take you on a journey through the wonderful world of microbes and the fascinating stuff they do to food through fermentation. This workshop will guide you how to ferment a couple of beginner-friendly items that don’t require any specific cultures, so you can experience this magic yourselves.
This workshop will be conducted by Payal, who identifies herself as a shepherd of microbes. She’s working to make fermentation accessible through her Instagram account @kobofermentary, where she answers fermentation-related questions every Saturday. She inspires, teaches, and continues to learn every day.
When: October 24, 2021
Time: 4 pm onwards
Fees: INR 100
And guess what? The first few registrants of this workshop will get free coffee from Ffox Coffee delivered to their homes anywhere in India.
Terms & Conditions
Explore the World of Fermentation
October 24 | 4PM