Friday Night Comedy
November 9 | 9PM
The Integral Space, Lower Parel, Mumbai
Friday Night Comedy
November 9 | 9PM
The Integral Space, Lower Parel, Mumbai
About the Event
Comedy is about making people laugh and Comedy Ladder are doing it on a Friday Night because that's when the weekend starts. So start your weekend with laughter and a super fun line-up of comics. Only 20 tickets available, so book yours now!
Definition: professional entertainment consisting of jokes, intended to make an audience laugh.
Part-time stock-broker, a dance enthusiast and a full-time Gujju who performs comedy on the weekends, Sonali Thakker is an exciting new comedy talent in the town.
Talking about grave topics like travelling, shopping, and chaprigiri in her sets, Sonali's has performed on the biggest of stages including Canvas Laugh Club and NCPA. In 2017, she took her special 'Almost There' to stage across the country.
Aayush Rathi
Aayush Rathi is an upcoming standup comedian.
Jeeya Sethi
Jeeya believes that if you are fat once (by fat she means FAAAAT) you are fat forever, mentally you never become thin even after losing all the weight. An event manager turned stand-up comedian, improviser and actor, she has made entertainment her new life's mission since nothing else is going for her!
Rajat Singla
Rajat Singla is an upcoming stand-up comedian and has featured in several shows.
Urjita Wani
Urjita Wani is an upcoming stand-up comedian and has featured in several shows.
Ashish Dash
Amongst the few things known about Ashish Dash is the fact that he is from the great state of Odisha and that he is fond of monkeys. Sometimes, Facebook profiles can be more revealing than police records, but in the case of Mr. Dash, all that could be find out was that he has been caught smiling on camera only once and even that may have been under the influence. On stage, Dash's act is more confession than comedy and can be memorably disturbing. Which is why he is not popular at house parties. But he has won Chalta Hai Comedy Open Mic on more than one occasion and people hope to learn more before the authorities do.
He may remind you of a crocodile lurking in the swamp. Known as the Indian Dexter Morgan, his dark comedy will make you laugh out of fear. A very jolly fellow, Ashish plans to make friends in the future.
Shreeja Chaturvedi
Shreeja Chaturvedi is an upcoming standup comedian and has featured in several shows.
The Integral Space, Lower Parel
14, Janata Estate , Opp. Palladium Mall, Lower Parel West, Lower Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400013
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Friday Night Comedy
November 9 | 9PM
The Integral Space, Lower Parel, Mumbai