House of stories powered by Tape A Tale
Theatre & Arts
May 29 | 7PM
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House of stories powered by Tape A Tale
Theatre & Arts
May 29 | 7PM
Join on Google Hangouts
About the Event
House of Stories is an intimate storytelling gig where people narrate heart-warming stories that are performed by people who’ve liver them!
To think of it, we all have a distinct definition of a story - it could be music, it could be dance, poetry, painting and what not! They’re all stories waiting to unfold! In a novel House of Stories event, we’re opening up our platforms for these stories to unfold through all kinds of art forms!
Get ready, to enjoy a chill evening of tales and the magic of of stories through music, poetry and good old storytelling!
Our line up for the evening -
Storytellers; to take you along with them in their magical stories -
Shreya Chadal
Poets; to take you through the journey of metaphors and meanings -
Rakesh Tiwari
Jidnya Sujata
And to top it off, you’ll be lost in the music of the singer-songwriters -
Piyush Bhisekar
Arham Fulfagar
Fairy lights, good vibes, and conversations. Let's come together and make this event a memorable one!
Date: 29th May
Time: 7 PM
Terms & Conditions
House of stories powered by Tape A Tale
Theatre & Arts
May 29 | 7PM
Join on Google Hangouts