Online Meditation & Breath Workshop

Online Meditation & Breath Workshop


August 8 | 8PM



Online Meditation & Breath Workshop


August 8 | 8PM



About the Event

The best thing you can do to your life is add to your energy and enthusiasm.! This will automatically find a way to let go your stress, leaving you way for your better self.

I got introduced to this wonderful gift 12 years before when one of my friends pushed me into this workshop, and I learnt the beautiful Sudarshan Kriya yoga (known as SKY breathing worldover) which lets you meditate deeply, harmonises your body and mind system, leaving you healthy in all aspects, professional, personal, emotional and spiritual.

Breath is the key to your mind. By practicing a few min of SKY breathing, I could see my mind more focussed, relaxed, myself more productive, creative, happier and emotionally balanced. This was a precious gift.

I could not wait to contribute this gift to people around and since last 10 years I have been teaching to many.

One thing I can promise you when you do this workshop: your quality of living will change! Your state of mind will be uplifted and you can do what you always thought you cant. Believe me it happened with me for all these years.

Dont wait, just grab the opportunity to learn about your breath and mind and introduce a wonderful way of living, meditating as you grow. Its online, do it at the comfort of your home.

**Exclusive: You get one year of hand-holding, EVERYDAY YOGA sessions and WEEKLY upgrade sessions COMPLIMENTARY with this workshop for one whole year! Access to a closed facebook community and weekly follow up sessions for a LIFETIME access and much more. !

See you.

Parul Khurana

Mind & Meditation Expert

Personal Development & Wellness Coach

International Faculty with The Art of Living

Instagram: @iamparulkhurana


Terms & Conditions

Online Meditation & Breath Workshop


August 8 | 8PM




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