Osho Zen Tarot Card Reading | Learn To Read The Future

Osho Zen Tarot Card Reading | Learn To Read The Future


September 8 | 7:30PM - September 13 | 8:30PM



Osho Zen Tarot Card Reading | Learn To Read The Future


September 8 | 7:30PM - September 13 | 8:30PM



About the Event

About this Course

Do you want to know what will unfold in your life? Are you confused regarding the correct path in your life? Do you want to attract good energy that will enlighten your soul?

Then tarot reading can be an answer to your questions. And in our new workshop, you can learn how to read tarots by yourself.

Through tarot reading, you can get insights regarding your past, present and future. You can prioritise the right things in life and seek guidance through tarot reading. Tarot reading can bring a clarity in your life and guide you in times of need. In tarot reading you can pick a card and interpret it with regards to the events happening in your life.

In our workshop, we will provide you the knowledge of interpreting tarot cards and and also help you gain enlightenment through your tarot reading. Millions of people have chosen tarot card reading in times of confusion and gained insights from it. In our workshop we will teach about the difference between different cards and how each deck is interpreted. 

In this workshop, you will learn about the following: 

  • You will learn about the basics of Tarots.
  •  You will learn about meditation which is essential for tarot reading.
  • You will learn about the principles of tarots.
  • You will learn about osho zen tarot cards and the difference between osho zen and rider Waite cards
  • You will learn how to set the table for card reading and how to charge cards.
  • You will learn about minor and major arcana cards.

Tarot reading can be very useful in finding answers to your problems. Our workshop provide you with the right knowledge that will help you in reading torat cards. 

Benefits of the workshop are:

  • You can learn how to interpret tarot cards from our course expert in a cohort environment.
  • You will learn how to analyse your drawn cards and get insights regarding your life.
  • You will get to know about your true self from card reading

This is your opportunity to know yourself on a spiritual level through tarot card reading. So instead of wasting your time and money on fake occultists, learn how to interpret tarots by yourself.

Join the workshop now.

Terms & Conditions

Osho Zen Tarot Card Reading | Learn To Read The Future


September 8 | 7:30PM - September 13 | 8:30PM




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