Play Sarkari Pagalkhana

Play Sarkari Pagalkhana


January 23 | 8PM

Veda Factory - ART STUDIO, Mumbai


Play Sarkari Pagalkhana


January 23 | 8PM

Veda Factory - ART STUDIO, Mumbai


About the Event

Play Sarkari Pagalkhana is a satirical comedy play. The name in itself speaks of the play in a summarized manner. The employees consider to be in leisure and draw hefty pay packets, their birth-right. The superintendent of the hospital is caught off-guards during an enquiry and translates his ire over the innocent inmates. That insane people too, sometimes think and behave better than their sane counterparts is also understood in this play. The inmates are less bothered by their problems but more by the system of the hospital. But, who cares ? After all, our society ticks them off as 'mad' and treats them no less than dumb and mute animals.


Please reach venue 15 min before as we start play sharp at 8 pm


Terms & Conditions

Play Sarkari Pagalkhana


January 23 | 8PM

Veda Factory - ART STUDIO, Mumbai



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