Stock Market Course For Beginners

Stock Market Course For Beginners


May 2 | 2PM

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Stock Market Course For Beginners


May 2 | 2PM

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About the Event


Stock market course for beginners can help you a lot to get along with these terms, and the working of this. Majority of people consider it as gambling. Well, people with lack of knowledge consider this as gambling. Well, it isn’t.  If you have enough knowledge, you would know what the benefits and entitlements of investing in the stock market are, and in order to learn about the stock market, one should be very clear with their basics. 

There are so many terms regarding this subject like, the general question which arises is why and from where does a company raise money? To be more precise, companies require money to establish growth in some sectors of the company or for any other reason. And, they get the money from various options, like either through Angel investor or through Venture capital or even from public or the stock market. 


  • ABC of the Stock Market
  • All about IPO (Initial Public Offering)
  • Learn to read financial statements
  • Learn how to do Management analysis
  • Mistakes to avoid while investing in the stock market
  • Strategies for investment
  • What to do and what not to do while investing


Our company FinnovationZ is the answer to all your questions about the stock market. It is the beginners’ guide to the world of finance and we bring exclusive videos on our Youtube channel with 1 million+ subscribers, courses, blogs and many other products, aimed at increasing financial awareness among people. We not only guide you but we also help you throughout the whole journey of learning, through our courses. These courses cover knowledge from a beginner to a professional level. With these courses, you'll be able to cover your basics, learn different strategies, mistakes to avoid and how to get benefit from your investment.

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Stock Market Course For Beginners


May 2 | 2PM

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