Chime-ing with Musical History: Art Walk with Shaleen Wadhwana & Nymphea Noronha

Chime-ing with Musical History: Art Walk with Shaleen Wadhwana & Nymphea Noronha


September 24 | 12PM

National Museum, Delhi


Chime-ing with Musical History: Art Walk with Shaleen Wadhwana & Nymphea Noronha


September 24 | 12PM

National Museum, Delhi


About the Event

Join Shaleen Wadhwana & Nymphea Noronha on an immersive art walk exploring 4500 years of musical-history; to hear stories embedded within ancient artefacts, sculptures, paintings and musical instruments; to see concepts and artefacts brought alive, and to draw connections across materials, eras and geographies! All above age 12 welcome.


National Museum, Delhi


- All attendees to purchase their own museum entry ticket of INR 20 per Indian adult as the walk fee does not include museum entry fee

- All attendees to not touch any museum artefacts

- All attendees to be vaccinated

- All attendees to wear masks

- Only small handbags allowed inside the museum, and bigger bags to be deposited in the cloak room at the National Museum

- No audio/video recording of the walk is permitted

- The walk will be photo documented by The Chime Project and utilised in media platforms

- All attendees to wear comfortable shoes as there is minimum 1.5 hours of walking/standing


Terms & Conditions

Chime-ing with Musical History: Art Walk with Shaleen Wadhwana & Nymphea Noronha


September 24 | 12PM

National Museum, Delhi



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