The Violet Flame Reiki Workshop

The Violet Flame Reiki Workshop


January 7 | 5:30PM



The Violet Flame Reiki Workshop


January 7 | 5:30PM



About the Event

This form of Reiki has been used for centuries to bring about balance and harmony in the body, mind, and spirit. The Violet Flame Reiki is a powerful healing modality of St. Germain and Mother Quan Yin. 

Her five virtues are:






In the time of sickness, pain and grief, or emergencies she is the first to be invoked. Using The Violet Flame Reiki can help you to heal your physical, emotional, karmic and spiritual levels. It works by using the violet flame – a powerful form of energy that can help to transform negative energy and release blockages. The violet flame can be used to reduce stress and anxiety, boost the immune system, and improve overall health. It can also be used for spiritual growth and development, as well as for manifesting one's desires. Additionally, it can be used to clear one's energy field, raise one's vibration, and activate one's psychic abilities. So if you're looking for a holistic way to heal and grow, Violet Flame Reiki could be just the thing for you!

Benefits of Violet Flame Reiki:

• It can dissolve negative energy and restore it to positive energy.

• It is a missing key to vitality, health, and inner wholeness.

• It can transform and enrich your relationships.

• It can free the unlimited power that exists right within you.

• It can improve your overall health.

• It is great for spiritual pursuits.

• It can help you manifest your desire.

• It can clear blockages, strengthen your energy field, and bring about positive changes.

• It can bring balance and harmony in the body, mind, and spirit.

In this workshop you will be taught the use and application of 40 powerful symbols, covering all 4 levels of Violet Flame Reiki.

*Workshop facilitator: Anjali Panwar*

*In this workshop you will receive*:

•  Attunement of all 4 levels of Violet Flame Reiki.

•  PDF of notes.

•  Digital Certificate

•  Live Zoom call

•  Replay access for one month.

•  Whatsapp group support for 3 months.

Important: Prerequisite for the course - Attunement in Level 1 and 2 of USUI Reiki.

Violet Flame Reiki is the perfect tool to help you reach your spiritual goals. So if you're looking for a powerful way to heal yourself and others, look no further than Violet Flame Reiki!


Original Fee: 7500 INR or $111

Special offer Fee: 5500 INR or $82


Date: 7th January 2023

Time: 5:30pm to 8:30pm IST


For more details, contact Siddhi on 8928734540*

Or send a whatsapp message:

For more details, whatsapp me:

Or call: +91-8928734540

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The Violet Flame Reiki Workshop


January 7 | 5:30PM




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