Thirty Something

Thirty Something


December 23 | 8:30PM

The Juhu Studio, Mumbai

Starts from


Thirty Something


December 23 | 8:30PM

The Juhu Studio, Mumbai

Starts from


About the Event

Thirty Something

30 Something is comics who are now in their 30s talking about the good times and the bad times, if you are 30 and above this show you do not wanna miss out on! single or married, living alone or living at home we have everything covered in this beautiful show! Bring your friends along coz what better way to spend your 30s than Laugh Out Loud! 


Host Gaurav Pawar 


Pratyasha Patgiri

Jeeya Sethi

Aditya Natrajan 

Ashish Dash 

Surprise spot

Artists Info

Jeeya Sethi 

Jeeya believes if you are fat once (by fat she means FAAAAT) you are fat forever, mentally you never become thin even after losing all the weight. An event manager turned stand-up comedian, improviser and actor, she has made entertainment her new life's mission since nothing else is going for her!

Gaurav Pawar

Gaurav Pawar recognised the Khaki colour before any other, even though it wasn't among the colours taught in nursery. He has been affectionately called ''3rd degree'' by his friends and likes pointing out fallacies in torture techniques in movies. He had once been scolded for writing a letter in the format of an FIR and calling it that as well. Gaurav has a deep contempt for anything that people hold dear (like mangoes, they have already made candy and drinks out of it, its not special anymore) and this outlook does not lead to a lot of conversations which is just fine by him.

Ashish Dash

Amongst the few things we know about Ashish Dash is the fact that he is from the great state of Odisha and that he is fond of monkeys. Sometimes, Facebook profiles can be more revealing than Police records but in the case of Mr. Dash, all we could find out was that he has been caught smiling on camera only once and even that may have been under influence. On stage, Dash's act is more confession than comedy and can be memorably disturbing. Which is why he is not popular at house parties. But he has won Chalta Hai Comedy Open Mic on more than one occasion and we hope to learn more before the authorities do.

Pratyasha Patgiri

Pratyasha Patgiri is an upcoming comic and has featured in several shows.

Aditya Natrajan

Aditya Natrajan is an upcoming comic and has featured in several shows.


Terms & Conditions

Thirty Something


December 23 | 8:30PM

The Juhu Studio, Mumbai

Starts from


Starts from


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