Underscore Live Presents Ankur & the Ghalat family, Bangalore

Underscore Live Presents Ankur & the Ghalat family, Bangalore


January 18 | 9PM

Fandom at Gilly's Redefined, Bengaluru

Starts from


Tickets At Venue

Underscore Live Presents Ankur & the Ghalat family, Bangalore


January 18 | 9PM

Fandom at Gilly's Redefined, Bengaluru

Starts from


Tickets At Venue

About the Event

About Ankur & the Ghalat Family

Ankur Tewari is a man of many talents. Whilst moonlighting as a singer - songwriter, he is also a composer, music supervisor & poet. Lyrically, Ankur Tewari weaves magic with his compositions allowing one to feel an array of emotions with each song.

Ankur & The Ghalat Family comprises of Sid Coutto, Johan Pais, Vivaan Kapoor & Gaurav Gupta - who are soulfully creating some of the grooviest folk rock & acoustic ballads along with Hindustani influences. The band is revered as one of the most innovative hindi rock bands in India.

About Mohobbat Zindabad Tour

Ankur & The Ghalat Family will embark on their first national tour namely so - Mohobbat Zindabad Tour.

Besides taking their music to places, it's never been before the band has only one goal - spread love. The motive is to take their melodious music with an underlying tone of small lessons surrounding love & living in harmony.

The MZ tour will touch 15 cities par India leaving no stone unturned on this journey.

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Fandom at Gilly's Redefined

1st floor of Gillys redefined, # 413, 100 Feet Road, 4th Block, Koramangala, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560034

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Underscore Live Presents Ankur & the Ghalat family, Bangalore


January 18 | 9PM

Fandom at Gilly's Redefined, Bengaluru

Starts from


Tickets At Venue

Starts from


Tickets At Venue

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